Road Warrior

Program Description

The Road Warrior program is designed for those constantly on the go. This program incorporates bodyweight exercises, short yet high-intensity workouts, and versatile routines that can be done anywhere, anytime - perfect for maintaining fitness on the road.

Sample Week:


  • Bodyweight Squats: 5 sets, 20 reps

  • Push-ups: 5 sets, 20 reps

  • 20-minute HIIT workout


  • Plank: 5 rounds, 1-minute hold

  • Lunges: 5 sets, 20 reps (each leg)

  • 30-minute brisk walk


  • Burpees: 4 sets, 20 reps

  • Mountain Climbers: 4 sets, 1 minute

  • 15-minute sprint intervals

Thursday: Rest


  • Jump Squats: 4 sets, 15 reps

  • Diamond Push-ups: 4 sets, 15 reps

  • 25-minute steady-state run


  • Wall Sit: 4 rounds, 1-minute hold

  • High Knees: 4 sets, 1 minute

  • METCON: 4 Rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 15 sit-ups, 10 tuck jumps, 5 push-ups

Sunday: Active Rest

Last updated