Raw Strength

Program Description

The Raw Strength program is all about building brute strength and power. Focusing on compound lifts and heavy weights, this regimen is great for those looking to maximize their lifting capabilities and muscle mass.

Sample Week:


  • Deadlift: 5 sets, 5 reps

  • Barbell Rows: 4 sets, 8 reps

Tuesday: Rest


  • Squat: 5 sets, 5 reps

  • Overhead Press: 4 sets, 8 reps

Thursday: Rest


  • Bench Press: 5 sets, 5 reps

  • Pull-ups: 4 sets, 8 reps

Saturday: Rest


  • Farmers Walk: 4 sets, 1 minute

  • Sled Push: 4 sets, 50 yards

Last updated